John Mayer
October 3, 2010

How do you spell John Mayer? I bought a CD by him today. I realize it is pirated because my dyslexic mind saw the title John Marter and never realized it was misspelled. The picture was of John Mayer but it is a Chinese copy. I am laughing at this minute looking at the CD cover and listening to the CD. It’s fabulous, with a DVD of him as well…. And I paid 10 Yuan for it. I have a feeling I will be in the disc store more than anywhere now. John Marter, wonder if the John Lennon was Jon Lemon?
Filo and Colina which they pronounce Fin-o and Cole-leah-a accompanied me shopping today. Does anyone understand the way Chinese spell in English? We went to Aqua City and had a great time looking at clothes and shoes. H&M is my favorite shop. Sam got me hooked on this place when I was in Boston. Sam I found some really cute skinny legged jeans that bunch up at the ankles for 149 Yuan ($22.50) OMG they are so cute, even the girls liked them. Shoes, well that was another thing, they are so different than in the US, much more fashionable and unique, but cost more than in the US. So no shoes today! Can’t pay $50-80 yet….. I like DSW in the states and $25 shoes. Got a toaster oven, yeah now I can “sort of” bake! Found Kenya coffee in the Starbucks and it is the same price world wide, but you know me and a good cup of java! KENYA is best, I could thank Kyle for that lesson. Patti, I found this little gadget at IKEA to frappe warm milk into froth. I can now make a real latte without a coffee maker. I found coffee filters and use them to drip my African coffee. I am getting milk from the milk lady on a daily basis at 6:30 am for 59 Yuan a month. Someone tell me how cool is it to have milk delivered to your door?
The sun was out all day, with a nice cool breeze. It was lovely. I mentioned to the girls I was having a good hair day, because my curls were still curly at 3pm. It is so humid and damp here or hot and sweaty that my hair ends up damp and sticking to my head like when I lived in Houston. (Remember “Houston Hair?”) I told the girls we need to curl their hair, cause no one has curly hair here. Little did I know that it is unacceptable to have curly hair in China! They told me that Chinese only have straight hair and if they curled it that would be against the rules at school. So am I going against the rules? Yes I guess I am, but I am a teacher and they said that was ok. Would they look too much like a western girl? Interesting, so I guess I need my “Free Tibet” shirt and curly hair and I would be a real rebel! Someone make me a Free Tibet shirt, I am feeling like I need to be a hellion today!
During this beautiful clear afternoon I took pictures out my penthouse balcony windows and realized I could see the furthest point of the Yangtze Bridge. Wow, it is really far, there are many mountains way off in the distance and countless high rise buildings, and apartments. It’s amazing how much you can see out my windows, just miles and miles of skyscrapers with people in every window. China has a huge population and I just never realized what a large place this is. You can see it all from my window. I love my view, it is amazing and fascinating. Fireworks go off almost every hour all over the city and they are spectacular from my view. I love it here. China and Chinese people are fantastic. Americans thought this was a black hole, but I have news for you it is really a red nation of lovely warm friends. Red, yes the color is everywhere and on everything. I actually feel tall here! Sarah how do you like that, I can call people here “little ones” like you call me. Wait till you get here, they will really stare at you, probably more than me! That makes me laugh, “tall one!”
Jenny and Lynn are thinking I need to date! Lynn thinks he has some professor friends at Nanjing University that he might set me up with! OMG! Dating again, I don’t know! All my American friends said I would come back with a Chinese guy, I don’t know! I just don’t think so! Do you think there is anyone out there that can actually care for me? I am such a hand full. Jenny is so cute, she says husbands should take care of their wife’s, why would you marry one if he didn’t? Duh, I did! Let me count three times I believe! Women here presume not only should men take care of you, but they should provide a home for you as well. Like purchase land and a house for you. Well somewhere I went wrong, and did not get this message in America! What was I doing working three jobs and paying for it all? Hello! I am in China and learning my lessons!