October 17, 2010
A week and not one blog has been typed although many things have happened from going Ice Skating to seeing more temples, a mausoleum, meeting the other art teachers on campus, going to art galleries and eating so much more interesting food. My internet problems were resolved. It was up and running on Friday. Then I started messing with the computer and wham, I can’t get internet access. So I am hoping Jonathan can fix this tomorrow. So tonight I am typing and uploading some images for the blog tomorrow.
Happy Birthday to Samantha my wonderful daughter, her birthday was today in Austin. I did see her on Skype before I messed up the computer. She had long blond extensions in her hair and was looking lovely. Hopefully her birthday gift from China will get to America soon.

Today my landlord Dr. Wuzhong, his wife An Li, their daughter and I went to lunch on the east side of town where all the universities are located. They wanted pizza, which was just fine with me, because after two months of Chinese food, a good vegetarian pizza was a nice change. My landlord is a cardiac surgeon and his wife a nurse. We drove by his hospital in the downtown area and he was very proud to point it out for me. The doc speaks English and studied in Baltimore some years back. He is very kind and loves his little five year old daughter. She about wore him out today demanding so much of his attention. To our surprise there was a three story Christmas tree in the courtyard of the strip mall where The Cheese Pub was located. All of us wondered why a tree in October? We saw two weddings on our way, one in a procession which the doc followed. All the cars were red and his too. He thought that would be fun. Then we saw another one on a hill and everyone was dressed in traditional Chinese attire. I couldn’t get a photograph as we were moving too fast in our other wedding procession.

Saturday was my day to take the students Ice Skating. My role as sponsor is easy. Esther, our CAS lead teacher drove us to the Sports Pavilion, which is a modern architectural pavilion with red wing like arches. This is where the youth Olympics will be held in a few years. The students took the metro and met us. This “field trip” did not include a school bus, as the Chinese don’t use buses. Everyone is responsible for their own transportation. Afterwards Esther wanted to show me the suburban sprawl. We drove looking at the continuous apartment high-rises that were recently built. I noticed not as many people as downtown by my apartment. It was quiet and nice, reminded me of Frisco in an odd way. We went to the “Wanda” Mall which was large, new, clean and very western. So many places to eat! Esther chose a noodle shop. We ordered a soup fondue pot full of noodles. A large platter of many ingredients came for each of us. Hers was seafood, mine vegetables. What fun it was to cook our own noodle soup. Afterwards she took me to Walmart! Yes, I finally found a Chinese Walmart. It was not like an American Walmart, as I couldn’t find buttered microwavable popcorn, or other western needs! I did get a cozy alternative down blanket which I put on my bed, under my fitted sheet, to create some more cush. I am sleeping better and actually slept in for the first time this morning.
More fireworks must stop writing and watch. Ah—the life of being able to see miles from my windows.