A good life.
A good soul.
A good person.
These three qualities of a blessed human being creates your “Trinity.”
These three things should sum up one’s existence? Where ever you are, think about the blessings in your life. Add them up on this lovely Christmas day. When we define the word good, we find the definition to be one that is morally excellent,virtuous, righteous, pious and sincere. Did you know the word ‘good’ had such a saintly definition? I did not!
So what are your good works? Think seriously for a moment. What have you done that is excellent or what do you consider to be your good deeds? Can you make a list of five?
My children top my most creative good works! The whole thought of my children, brings a twinkle to my eyes, a big smile and laughter to my face. Then a few tears puddle in my eyes when I think of Andy! He was the most joyous, crazy son ever! That red hair, those sparkling green eyes made a presence when he would walk into a room. He would give you a good solid hug. Then as tears roll down my cheeks I remember all the mischief he created, the trouble he would get in, things he would break, bills he wouldn’t pay, a call to bail him out of jail and the hell he gave us all. Then I smile, wipe the tears away and think, what a life he lead. A passionate life full of adventure, friends and family. He was devoted to his family and loved us all no matter what! That is one huge blessing in my life.
Casey is my second son, a handsome tall blue eyed man. Devoted to family, his girlfriend Sarah and his job in California, he is a man of compassion, kindness and a bit of dry humor like his grandpa Fred. He is reliable, responsible and just darn sweet. Randy the third son, is the one I will say never had an argument with me his entire life. I do remember him getting mad at Andy and ramming his fist into a window over something Andy did to him. That cost him some stitches. Randy is the forgetful one, can’t seem to remember where he puts things. I told him once I would take him to a hypnotist to see if they could plant a thought to remember! Reliable, devoted, wonderfully kind and generous he created this blog and helps me with technology. He loves to travel with Jess his girlfriend.
Lastly, but not the least is Samantha, my beautiful daughter who loves horses, ferrets and cocker spaniels. She has a mind of her own and sometimes takes over mine and Chris’! We let her have her way, cause we know if we don’t….! Chris is her emotionally secure husband, like a rock. They photograph the funniest pictures of jumping at every location they visit. They need to publish a book of their traveling jumps and sell it.
Creating traditions are part of our family. We spend holidays, vacations and good times together in person or on Skype. We are there for each other, we love each other and need each other. Christmas is our favorite time together, with stockings full of walnuts, thanks to grandpa Fred for that one! We all love lots of presents, times together and pies, whether it be paper sack apple pie (grandma Dortha’s recipe), pecan, pumpkin or Casey’s favorite cherry cheese cake. Family traditions are something everyone should create. I started a book of Santa pictures when the children were little and still collect recent pictures of the them with Santa. My theory is if you don’t believe in Santa, then you won’t get gifts at Christmas, so you better believe!