Shanghai World Expo

This is the last Sunday for the world expo in Shanghai after six months of a highly successful show.  A taxi over the river and oh-my what a site, acres of prime real estate on the edge of the river covered with exotic pavilions.  I heard many Chinese families were displaced and moved to build the expo.  The old Chinese cultural homes were replaced with many world expo buildings.  It is impressive, as each country is represented by a building.  It took an hour just to get in, thank god it isn’t raining.  Right to the USA pavilion, and to the VIP line, show my passport and right in we go.  We pass up three hours of waiting in five minutes.  USA didn’t really go  out of their way to impress me, with a slide show of the country side and a movie of “Seed Folks.”  I did get a pink cowboy hat to wear and show my Texas culture.  Then I took many pictures of pavilions and visited a limited number.

2 thoughts on “Shanghai World Expo

  1. Hi Susan! I was one of the three crazy American gals you met in line at the Expo! Jeannine (the one with the great laugh) and I left China on the 31st and are adjusting to being back in our regular lives…

    It was fun meeting you, I hope you continue to enjoy your time in that very interesting place!

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