“Life is as life is,” my new mantra. I am searching for a home to plant myself in and it doesn’t seem to be surfacing. So I wonder, is this where I am suppose to be? Alone, but not lonely, I search for my hearts desire. I know what I like and what I don’t like. I can sure draw a boundary when it comes to things I don’t like.
Boundaries are those lines that limit you from certain objects of your desire. I am noticing my wonderful American culture does not really understand boundaries or they have “blown them off.” Can American’s say no? Not really, they want bigger, more expensive, and an unending craving for more. Our society is feeding us with commercials that make us feel we need to spend to be fulfilled. But are we? No, of course not. But when your boundaries have been compromised by commercialism it causes you to forget what you need is surprisingly very little.
I am noticing people have more stuff than they need, they have filled their homes with so much there is no longer space for people. It is unbelievable how many homes I have visited and there is just no where to sit or sleep due to pillows. Yes these fluffy little squares have taken over all the free space. Their closets, drawers and cabinets are filled to overflowing, It has become overwhelming. No wonder Americans are laughed at by international countries. We are in-debt because we buy too much to fill up our lives. In theory it would be better to fill it with good relationships. Quit buying junk. Learn to cook and stop indulging in processed packaged products. Walk and bike ride, know your neighbors, get off the iPhone, iPad and become a person connected to real life. Set a boundary, it would do you good.
As my life goes from day to day, I cook, paint, write and meet new people. My life is different now, I realize I can have boundaries and say “No, thanks!” I learned from my Asian culture experience, “Less is really more and Life is as life is.” Life is really good.
Sorry my many pillows and overflowing cabinets are not to your liking. I hope you will still come and visit me again. Hugs! Ann