In the GAP

“In the GAP!” This is the in between space where one has been and where one is going. I am there! Coffee in hand, a nice latte from Starbucks and back to the blog. Jess’s comments on my last post about a coffee, blow-up mattress and a warehouse, might be a true definition describing my future new space. I would add a kitchen with a granite counter, convection oven, a dishwasher and my Jura-Capresso coffee center. I haven’t seen a dishwasher in two years or my coffee maker. Hopes are high it will be soon. My brother-in-law, Jeff describes me as a squatter. Today I am “slumming” around Austin, camped at my daughters duplex in Austin. The possibility of living in this “neck of the woods” intrigues me. Can I find a real artist studio with home attached? Something to consider, since I have a “Do Over” life.

I like the opportunity at my age to make new life changes. I can pick where I want to live, teach if I wish, paint, write, cook and enjoy the last half of my life as I choose. I am free of being
stereotyped as normal, wife, mom, teacher, daughter! Yes, I was these things, but now there is more to me. This empty vessel is ready for filling. Buying the VW doodle bug a couple weeks ago, set that direction for me. I get in it and see the cute little “Black Eyed Susan” flower my sweet sister gave me and off I go on my journey. Didn’t I always say, “It is about the journey and not the destination?”

Enjoying my GAP Time and letting doors open, watching doors close and seeing the new possibilities is so fun. Today I want to drive around, look at homes and see if this is the landing spot. If not, it might be Houston or back to Dallas. China and Australia were good for me. I learned about going with in and exploring the authentic self. Moreover I met honest nice people. I want more of that in my new do-over life.

One thought on “In the GAP

  1. My oh my, A do over? Nah – just more great chapters to add to an already exciting life story! There is no such thing as a normal wife, mom, teacher, or daughter. Especially with you. How many of the "normal" folks have been where you have? How many would have even been brave enough to do what you have done? And how many would have survived and come though some of the pain you have endured and still be successful? You are special and every one of those "normal titles" are an individual chapter in your book of life achievements that no one else can match. If you had not traveled the path that included your failures, your pain and lose, and your sucesses, then you wouldn't be the Susan you are today. So far, I like that smiling lady! So if you don't mind, I'm not going to call it a "do-over" for you – I'll just say you are adding a few more well deserved exciting chapters to an already wonderful novel!

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