Teaching photography tomorrow to Chinese students, I want to introduce right brain thinking and how to use intuition to capture strong images. The one thing needed is an interesting light source. We will be on the prowl for an unusual composition, which others will walk past. Sometimes it is in the detail, the zooming in and finding a design with strong contrast of light and dark. It might be catching someone doing something interesting or humorous without their knowledge. Ann made a comment my photographic angles are getting better. Thanks Ann, I think it is the passion that bubbles within to create a good artistic composition. My friend Bill said my eyes twinkle when I am interested or get excited about something. It must be the light within my soul shining through those blue eyes, creating a genuine sparkle! Once again the passion within. Thanks Bill for the compliment!
I want to enlighten my students on passion and how to use it to create strong art work. Here are photos I think that have that sweet twinkle, a bit of passion, and humor too. Check out those lions! The light within directs the light in a composition. Use it to your advantage.
254 is one of my favs.
Thanks! That was at Confucius Temple here in Nanjing. Just doors and windows!