Been awhile since I posted, but I spent some quality time with my wonderful son Randy, actually ten days fiddle-farting around China. He said we took over 1000 pictures. Have I got many posts and blogs to create. I put him on a plane yesterday afternoon and here I sit alone. Yes, alone again.
Today I am thinking not about our escapades or adventures around Shanghai or Nanjing, but about being single. Are you single? Then you know what I mean, when I say I hate being alone! Those of you that are married, will not understand, unless you have a marriage on the verge of disaster. Alone will drive you crazy. Ten days with Randy kept me so busy and happy I forgot what it was like to go back to just me. Alone, why did God create us as a separate individual? We search for the right one and hope we find that “soul mate.” I look at my friends Ann, Connie and Linda all married to their first love, all these years. I thought that would be me, not hardly. They have the best men ever, funny sweet and caring. So here I sit writing and listening to love ballads by Dixie Chicks and the men that “dun you wrong…” What happened to that dream, the one man that would be there forever. How did you girls do it? Tell me!
My wonderful single friends Joyce and Patti, what the hell did we do to end up single? We are the best catch ever! I know you two girls better than anyone in this whole world and I know your value. Let me tell you the men that let you go, were stupid or didn’t deserve you. And here I am again, single with you, the “Three Musketeers.” Girls where are our kindred souls? I think we must be just too damn good, too smart, and too sweet for what is left out there. Here I sit in the middle of China… and there is no one here to even date, like being purple in a world of yellow. You just don’t fit in, but I would probably feel the same in Texas. I am so different and find that Texas “bubbas” didn’t fill my wishes. Bubbas – the world is full of them. For those of you that don’t understand the definition of a bubba, here is my version. “A man with a beer in one hand and a remote in the other, sitting in a lounge chair, feet up and yelling at the little woman, to bring him another beer and check his steak on the grill, while he watches the super bowl game.”
If you are laughing cause you married one, bless your heart. And if you are one, get your ass out of that chair and go wash some dishes and hug your wife. As far as it goes, I don’t want to marry another one! Thank you very much! I want a man that understands life, is my soul mate (is that even possible?) and is funny… I need some funny in my life. If your not a bubba, give me a call or just dig straight across the world, I am in China.
Sorry about the alone thing. But, you sure do look like you had a good time with Randy! And you fixed your blog so that I am not accused of being a spambot. I picked my soulmate when I was such a youngster that I didn’t even know what I was doing. I think it’s just what the universe had in store for me. Stay strong and keep smiling. You are amazing just the way you are!
Haha! Like the jumping pic!
yes… I did this one for you!