October 25, 2010
The art market shop I found in a Shanghai alley had a curious bowl of beans. The first bean I picked up was a nice big red bean. It had a set of Chinese characters on one side and on the flip side was an outlined image of a couple. I turned to my friend Daisy and said what does this say. She smiled and said “the love of my life!’ Well now, can I plant this bean and grow the love of my life? The shop owner, Daisy and I decided why not! Five yuan and I will grow a man! Maybe I will have better luck with a bean.
Those of you that know me and my love history will know it is not a pretty picture. The loves in my life include three failed marriages and one failed engagement. Of these four men, three were addictive personalities whose love in their life was booze and not me.
My bean did not come with instructions, but I imagine this is what I will do to cultivate a good man.
“Do not water with alcohol or fertilize with bull shit!”
Love the bean! I have a positive feeling that picking up the bean was to help you realize that you have to go forward and not look back. Love you
That is the best saying ever! Good luck in that love~♥
Alex, thank you! I made it up!
Hahaha! Wow! This is great. Awesome awesome awesome quote. That needs to be a t-shirt for sure.
I just literally laughed out loud when I read your instructions!
I want one of those beans. Maybe I can grow one too. But will he be Chinese?