My experience with Chinese Medicine has been a humorous encounter!
As an American our standards are just entirely different than the Chinese. The traditional basic Chinese customs are fresh air is a must, even if it is below freezing. One should open a window and let the cool air in. Hot water is drank all the time, no ice and no cold water. One must wear many layers of clothes and jackets pretty much all the time. Of course if you are into the “fresh air belief” your home will be as cold as it is outside, therefore jackets are worn in the house. Surgical masks are worn by a majority of the people on the street. Is it a fashion statement or is it to stay well? I just bought one to keep my nose warm when I bike in 23 degree weather. Mine has words on it– “Not Paranoid!” One is allowed to cough, hock up a loogie and spit it on the street, or in your hand and then flick it on the road. One must always watch where one walks. Kleenex tissues, impossible to find in the store are not used by the Chinese. I have pockets full.
My wonderful Chinese neighbor brought me some throat lozenges to help my sore throat. They are pink, round and chalky. I tried one of these “Watermelon Frost” tablets as it was titled in English. As fast as it went in my month, hit my tongue I expelled it! The taste was that of Lysol! I don’t want to disinfect my month but soothe it. Last week I walked into our library to smell marijuana wafting throughout the room. I saw the librarian holding a white cigar lit stick, in front of the heater letting the blowing air dissipate the smoke. I asked, “What in the world are you doing with a huge doobie?” She said it was Chinese Medicine to ward off the flu virus we all have. I have news for you it may not get rid of the flu, but no one will care in an hour or so. Someone needs to tell me, is hemp legal here?