Auld Lang Syne – The Burning Bowl Process

Happy New Years from my roof top.

New Years Eve is the time to purge your 2010 unpleasant happenings.  Easiest way is to create a “burning bowl ceremony.”  Start with a small sheet of paper.  List the old stuff you want to release and cleanse from your life and mind.  Spend some time as you recall these old thoughts.  Soon you will  free them into the Universe and transmute them into the light.  Ignite your paper and throw it in a bowl and watch all those bad moments burn up in a blaze of fire.  Be careful and don’t burn your fingers!   Take a big sheet of paper and write all the good things you want to attract to your life to replace the old things you just released for the new year.  Fold it, put it in an envelope, seal it, and write “Do not open until July 1, 2011”.   Then in six months open it and check your progress.

Happy New Years from the most beautiful roof top in the world, Nanjing China.

Love to all!

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