I decided to learn Tai Chi! I joined the retired teachers early morning Tai Chi class. These are Chinese who get up at the crack of dawn and practice their Tai Chi on the basketball courts in front of the school. One morning when I went to work early I noticed them. I was fortunate a Chinese English teacher translated so I could speak with them and join their group. Four little old Chinese women, one sweet elderly man, me the crazy American and the master complete our group. It is so relaxing and fun to learn this art from people who cannot talk to me. I just follow along. On occasion the master will show me the steps without words just a emphasis on breath and strength of movement. These sweet little old people are just so attentive to me and really caring. My spot is in the center so I can follow, my colleague says I am like the “teddy bear” in the middle.
It is nice to have so many around me and to care for me. Maybe a lesson in my unending path of life.
Doing some research I found tai chi means the “supreme ultimate” in Taoism and Neo-Confucianism, from Chinese tai “extreme” + ji “limit.” The form of martial arts training (said to have been developed by a priest in the Sung dynasty, 960-1279) is first attested 1962, in full, tai chi ch’uan , with Chinese quan “fist.”
All I can say is more Taoism and Confucianism for me! I love it.