So many questions about bathroom facilities. These are the little commodes and urinals at the the daycare connected to the high school in Suzhou. I took a picture as I had never seen a tiny urinal…. It is unusual to see tiny toilets or any western toilets in China.
This is a basic ladies rest room. You squat facing the door, cause if some one opens the door you want them to see your face not your booty, so says Alice my friend. You do not flush any paper products. There is NO toilet paper in majority of bathrooms, so you bring your own. The paper you carry comes in packages like this. You carry a small pack of 10 little kleenex. If you forget, you hope a friend has some. Otherwise, well you can guess. Personally I hold one over my nose when I squat, as the smells are usually horrendous! A friend told me always lean forward or you might fall in. I have heard some people have dropped their cell phones in there! Good bye phone. By the way this is a clean one at the school.
You will notice in my downstairs bathroom, it is tiled floor and walls with a drain in the floor. Can be convenient if you have a water issue! You see a white hose, that is the run out from my washer. I also have a mop sink, very hygienic, don’t you think? In my upstairs bathroom, above the commode or western lou I have a hot water heater for my shower. Never flush the toilet and jump into the shower right after, the water will stop and you will be cold and wet for a few minutes until the water tank fills back up. The water heater in my kitchen heats water for the kitchen and sink in the downstairs bathroom only. No hot water for the washing machine. This is the heater that ignites loudly when you turn the hot water on in the sinks. It does get ever so hot.
seems like that leaves a lot of room for splashes….
I understand why flip-flops are not real popular here!
found this interesting so did my roomie and her guests 🙂
Hey, at least you are getting great leg muscles!!! LOL!!!
I found the same thing when I was in Japan. Thank goodness my son had a western toilet with a heated toilet seat!
I noticed this past week in the grocery store they are selling toilet seat covers as the featured item along with hot water pads, like we had in the 50’s!